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Decoding Dyslexia Virginia is a grassroots movement focused on linking families to resources, support, and educational interventions for dyslexia. We aim to raise dyslexia awareness, empower families to support their children and inform policy-makers on best practices to identify, remediate and

support students with dyslexia in Virginia.

Our group is made up of parents whose children are dyslexic.  We are not experts; we are not a business or an educational organization.  We offer the community the benefit of our collective experiences.  We encourage parents to meet with their local policy-makers to tell the story of their child, and ask for policies and/or legislation to identify and support dyslexic children in our public schools.

Our Mission

Our Mission

We are advocating for Virginia to implement:

  • Teacher/staff training on dyslexia, its warning signs and appropriate intervention strategies

  • Early screening tests for dyslexia to include parental notification

  • Evidenced-based dyslexia remediation programs implemented with fidelity which can be accessed by both general and special education populations

  • Access to appropriate “assistive technologies” in the public school setting for students with dyslexia

Virginia has a universal definition of dyslexia in the state education code:

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